Run the Jersey shore challenge

Spend your summer without big races training for the day you get to run them again.
This challenge has you running 141 miles, the unofficial full length of the New Jersey Shore. Complete this progressively all summer, or in one day, we don't really care. Either way, you get some cool swag and you get to say you ran the entire shore. Wherever you are, just imagine you're running on the beaches, boardwalk, or whatever else reminds you of the Jersey Shore.
Results can be loaded progressively on UltraSignup under the Record Results button for the challenge. This will show your log of laps and miles completed, and your overall progress in the challenge.
Since we are allowing registration through the end of July, swag will be mailed out in August or early September. Final logistics around this are TBD
When: Memorial Day through Labor Day
Location: Anywhere your legs like to move - treadmill, road, trail, beach, boardwalk, backyard, front yard, etc..
Challenge: Run 141 miles total - can be done all at once or broken up all summer - Pick a method of completing this that challenges you!
Registration Dates: Registration will remain open through July 31, 2020
Registration Fee: $41
Swag: All runners will receive a custom shirt and a bag of saltwater taffy
*Since registration is open through July 31st, shipping dates are TBD.